Recapping Her Allies September Workshop: "Writing a Resume to Get Noticed"

In the fast-paced world of job applications, crafting a resume that captures the attention of recruiters within a mere 6-7 seconds is crucial. Addressing this challenge, Her Allies hosted an insightful workshop in September titled "Writing a Resume to Get Noticed." Led by Vicki Yang, the workshop delved into various resume styles, guidelines, and effective strategies to help participants stand out in their respective fields.

Resume Goals: Tell Your Story, Show Impact, and Get Noticed

Key highlights include that your resume should be a way to not only tell your story but also show your impact. Since recruiters have so little time to review resumes, it’s crucial that you make sure that you get noticed in those couple of seconds that they are looking at your resume. Vicki reviewed the different styles of resumes and which best suit different professional’s use cases.

Types of Resumes

When it comes to creating a resume, it's essential to choose the right format that aligns with your experience, field, and career goals. During the workshop, Vicki walked participants through the most common types of resumes, including:

  1. Chronological Resume: This traditional format lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent position. It is suitable for individuals with a stable work history and a linear career progression.

  2. Functional Resume: This format focuses on your skills and qualifications, highlighting relevant abilities rather than a strict chronological work history. It is beneficial for individuals with gaps in employment, career changers, or those transitioning back into the workforce after a break.

  3. Combination Resume: As the name suggests, this format combines elements of both chronological and functional resumes. It highlights both your skills and work experience, providing a comprehensive overview of your qualifications.

During the workshop, Vicki emphasized one of the most important changes you can make in your resume is to make it stand out. It is important to talk about the impact you made in your role. People often will list what they did, but they don't talk about how they solved a problem and what the result was. Using an acronym like CAR can help you update those details!

  • Cause - What was the problem you were trying to solve?

  • Action - What did you do personally to solve it?

  • Result - What was the outcome? Impact?

Addressing Career Breaks: Keep it Short and Highlight Transferable Skills

One of the significant challenges participants faced that they sought the most advice about during the workshop was how to address career breaks on a resume. Vicki provided valuable insights on this matter, suggesting the following tips:

  1. Include it in the Experience Section: Acknowledge the career break in the experience section of your resume. This shows transparency and eliminates any potential gaps in your work history.

  2. Keep it Concise: While it's essential to mention the career break, keep the description concise. Focus on highlighting any relevant transferable skills or experiences gained during that time.

  3. Make it Sound Intentional: Use purposeful language to make the inclusion of the career break sound intentional. Consider examples such as "Career Sabbatical to be a Caregiver, 9/15-present" or "Career Break to Raise my Family, 6/12-present" to communicate the purpose of the break and showcase transferable skills like consulting, project management, or leadership roles in parent groups.

To make sure you get noticed, formatting matters. It’s not just enough to have amazing content if it’s not easy to read, and especially to skim. Vicki shared some insights on formatting that help resumes to get noticed.

Formatting Tips for a Standout Resume:

  1. Use Clear and Readable Fonts: Opt for professional fonts such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman in a size between 10 and 12 points for optimal readability.

  2. Organize Information with Subheadings: Utilize subheadings to categorize different sections of your resume, such as "Professional Experience," "Education," and "Skills." This helps recruiters quickly navigate and find relevant information.

  3. Use Bullet Points: Instead of lengthy paragraphs, use concise bullet points to highlight key achievements and responsibilities. This makes your resume easy to scan and ensures crucial information stands out.

  4. Keep it Concise: Aim to keep your resume to a maximum of two pages. Focus on including relevant and impactful information while removing any unnecessary details.

The "Writing a Resume to Get Noticed" workshop conducted by Her Allies provided participants with practical advice and strategies to craft resumes that stand out in today's competitive job market. Armed with these insights, participants are now better equipped to showcase their skills, experiences, and qualifications, ultimately opening doors to new career opportunities.

Remember, your resume is your personal marketing tool. By implementing these tips and tailoring your resume to your unique circumstances, you can increase your chances of getting noticed by recruiters and landing the job of your dreams. Need help and mentoring? Sign up for support from Her Allies!


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