Balancing Work and Family: Free Resources for Working Mothers

Balancing the responsibilities of work and family can be a difficult task, especially for mothers who often carry the bulk of the caregiving responsibilities. However, there are many resources available to help working mothers navigate this challenge and find support along the way. From free community resources to national organizations, working mothers can find a range of options to help them manage their careers and families.

Local Libraries

Public libraries are a great resource for working mothers. They offer a variety of free resources, such as books on parenting, career development, and time management. Many libraries also host free workshops and events on relevant topics, such as financial planning or stress management. Additionally, libraries often have designated areas for children to read and play, providing a safe and educational environment for working mothers to bring their kids and also host kid-friendly events.

Online Communities

Online communities and social media groups have become a popular resource for working mothers. These groups provide a space for women to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. They offer a platform for sharing advice, tips, and support, and can be a valuable source of information for working mothers. Popular options include Moms who work on Reddit, Working Moms of Instagram, and MomsRising's Facebook group.

Government Resources

The U.S. Department of Labor's Women's Bureau provides resources and information for working women, including information on family and medical leave, workplace discrimination, and equal pay. The Small Business Administration also offers resources for working mothers who are starting or growing a business. In addition, there are federal and state programs that provide financial assistance for child care, such as the Child Care and Development Block Grant and the Child and Dependent Care Credit.

Workplace Resources

Many employers offer free resources for working mothers, such as employee resource groups, lactation rooms, and flexible scheduling options. These resources can help to alleviate the stress and challenges that working mothers face when trying to balance work and family. Employee resource groups provide a supportive community for working mothers to share their experiences and receive guidance and support. Lactation rooms offer a private and comfortable space for mothers to pump breast milk during the workday. Flexible scheduling options, such as telecommuting or flexible hours, can provide working mothers with the flexibility they need to manage their work and family responsibilities.

Nonprofit Organizations

There are many nonprofit organizations that offer free resources and support for working moms. The National Association of Mothers' Centers provides support and resources for mothers, including career coaching, parenting workshops, and networking opportunities. MomsRising is an advocacy group that focuses on issues affecting working mothers, such as paid family leave, affordable childcare, and equal pay. Working Moms Against Guilt is an online community that offers encouragement, advice, and support for working moms who struggle with guilt and stress. The Working Families Party advocates for policies that support working families, such as paid family leave, affordable childcare, and fair wages.

Her Allies knows that a good professional network helps everyone land that next job, and women who have been out of the job market to give birth or take care of their kids often lack current networks. We connect women re-entering the workforce with a network of allies and offer them the support and necessary resources they need to succeed as they get back into their careers, such as mentoring, resume writing workshops, interview prep, and more


FlexJobs is a job search website that specializes in flexible, remote, and part-time jobs. This can be a great option for working moms who need more flexibility in their schedules. With thousands of job listings in a variety of fields, FlexJobs can help working mothers find a job that fits their unique needs and circumstances. is a website that connects families with vetted caregivers who have gone through background checks to assure quality of care for children, seniors, and pets. It can be a helpful resource for working moms who need help with childcare or other household duties. offers a range of services, including babysitters, nannies, and housekeepers, as well as resources and advice on finding and managing care providers.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Many employers offer EAPs, which provide counseling, support, and resources for employees and their families. EAPs can offer a range of services, such as mental health counseling, financial advice, and legal assistance. They can also provide resources and referrals for child care, elder care, and other family-related services. Check with your company to see if they offer any EAP services to see the specific resources available to you.

Working moms don’t have to do it all alone. There are many resources available for working mothers to help them manage the demands of their careers and their families. From local libraries to national organizations, working mothers can find a range of options to support them in their journey. It's important for working mothers to take advantage of these resources and prioritize self-care in order to maintain their physical and emotional well-being.

With the right support and resources, working mothers can thrive both at work and at home. Offer your assistance or get the help you need from Her Allies.


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